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What Is Lead Generation? A Guide for Funded Startups in 2023

In the buzzing world of funded startups, every entrepreneur knows that success isn’t just about creating a great product or service. It’s about ensuring it reaches the right audience. That’s where lead generation comes into play. But what exactly is lead generation? And how can it benefit your startup? Let’s dive deeper. What is lead […]

GotFunded 路 October 25, 2023

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B2B Outbound Email in 2023: Crafting Messages That Resonate and Convert

Unlike inbound emails, which focus on nurturing existing leads or catering to current customers, outbound emails actively seek out potential clients or partners. Think of it as a digital version of cold calling but often with more precision and personalization. Why B2B Outbound Email Still Matters Crafting a B2B Outbound Email That Stands Out Tools […]

GotFunded 路 October 25, 2023

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