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Email Warm-Up in 2023: Why It Matters and How to Do It Right

GotFunded · October 25, 2023

We’ve all been there: launching a new email campaign, only to find emails land straight into the spam folder or bounce back altogether. Enter the process of ’email warm-up’—a strategy that’s become increasingly essential for anyone serious about email marketing in 2023.

The Concept Behind Email Warm-Up

Email warm-up is akin to a runner stretching before a race. It’s the process of gradually increasing sending volume over time, helping new email accounts or IPs gain credibility and trust with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). This warm-up ensures your emails have a higher chance of landing in the recipient’s primary inbox instead of the spam folder.

Why Warm Up Your Emails?

  1. Building Sender Reputation: Just like credit scores, sender reputation is a measure ISPs use to evaluate your sending behavior. Starting slowly helps build this reputation.
  2. Avoiding Sudden Spikes: A sudden surge in email sends, especially from a new IP, can be flagged as suspicious, leading to deliverability issues.
  3. Learning and Adjusting: The warm-up phase allows you to gather data, learn from it, and adjust strategies accordingly.

The 2023 Guide to Email Warm-Up

  1. Start Slow: Begin with a small list of engaged contacts. These could be colleagues, friends, or loyal customers who understand the importance of your warm-up phase.
  2. Increase Gradually: Increase the number of emails sent progressively. For instance, if you started with 50 emails on day one, consider sending 100 on day two, and so forth.
  3. Monitor Engagement: Look at open rates, click-through rates, and, most crucially, bounce rates and spam complaints.
  4. Maintain List Hygiene: As you expand your send volume, ensure your email list is clean. Remove invalid or inactive addresses.
  5. Engage in Real Conversations: Encourage recipients to reply to your emails during the warm-up. Genuine two-way conversations can bolster your sender’s reputation.
  6. Diversify Content: Don’t send identical emails during the warm-up. Rotate between different types of content to appear more organic.

Tools for Email Warm-Up

In 2023, several tools automate the email warm-up process. Platforms like Warmbox and Lemlist help simulate real engagement, gradually increasing your sending volume and managing replies.

Challenges to Navigate

  1. Impatience: The desire to reach a large audience quickly can be tempting, but patience during the warm-up phase is paramount.
  2. Dynamic ISP Algorithms: ISPs continually tweak their algorithms. Stay updated with the latest in email deliverability best practices.


In the vast, complex world of email marketing, it’s the seemingly small processes like email warm-up that can make a significant difference. As we navigate the digital challenges of 2023, warming up isn’t just an option—it’s a prerequisite for those keen on maximizing the potential of their email campaigns.

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